A Dream Come True Story

I made and provided a demo song for XW-PD1 released by CASIO. (I haven’t touched it yet, so I don’t know if it is recorded on the actual device, but you can listen to it on the CASIO official site.)
By the way, “CASIO_Official – TRACKFORMER XW-PD1 Demo 02” which can be heard on the official site is the one I created.

Unlike usual, the production was made within the constraints of the equipment, so it was a lot of work, but fun.
When I was in junior high school, I bought a Casiotone with all my New Year’s money, and it was my first instrument and the beginning of my music career,
I thought to myself, “This is my dream come true!
I am very grateful to the development team at CASIO for finding the talent of one individual and offering it to me. I hope it will sell all over the world.
XW-PD1 Official information