I thought to myself, “Hey, this is a dream come true!”

The other day, I suddenly realized that my dream had come true! I thought to myself. Incidentally, this is probably the second time in my life, thankfully. By the way, the first time was here. A Dream Come True Story And this time, 、、、、、 When I was a junior high school student, I used to […]


If you would like to request Ryoma Maeda to create a track, remix, etc., or if you have any feedback on the music, please send us a direct message on instagram or X. https://www.instagram.com/ryomamaeda

Ryoma Maeda Profile

2minutes Ryoma Maeda profile Ryoma Maeda & Romantic Suiciders Profi Ryoma Maeda of Virgin babylon records, as the leader, Haji metal of former Midori, and Shigeyuki Kimura of former Arakajime Kimerareta Koibito Tachi E, gathered around and formed the world’s first synthesizer garage punk band holding Keytar, wearing leather jackets, along with drums and explosive […]

Ryoma Maeda Works

Ryoma Maeda Works