Ryoma Maeda Profile

2minutes Ryoma Maeda profile

Ryoma Maeda & Romantic Suiciders Profi

Ryoma Maeda of Virgin babylon records, as the leader, Haji metal of former Midori, and Shigeyuki Kimura of former Arakajime Kimerareta Koibito Tachi E, gathered around and formed the world’s first synthesizer garage punk band holding Keytar, wearing leather jackets, along with drums and explosive sounds.

ナタリー記事 : 革ジャンにショルキー!シンセとドラムしかいないガレージパンクバンド登場

OTOTOY記事 : 世界初!?シンセサイザー・ガレージ・パンク・バンド発動!! 革ジャンを着たアー写からしてヤバい


Released first album “Synthesizer Garage Punk Band” in October 2015.

December 2015 One-man live concert “~Towards Bursting!
December 2015 World’s first! Released the band’s original RPG, and new songs can be downloaded by clearing the game. Released a new song by this method.

ナタリー記事 : 悪徳レコード会社から版権を取り戻せ!RPGをクリアすると新曲ダウンロード

Public Rhythm記事 : 「悪徳レコード会社から幻の名曲の版権を取り戻す」Ryoma Maeda & Romantic Suicidersが新曲をオリジナルRPGゲームで公開

Punk Synthesizer–Ryoma Maeda
Punk Synthesizer–HAJIMETAL (ex. Midori)
Punk Drumer–Shigeyuki Kimura(ex. Arakajime Kimerareta Koibitotachie)

Ryoma Maeda Profile:

proto impulse cut-up technique and nostalgia, unrepeatable dance music and extremely-dense punk music.Exposing all styles as fake with his unvarnish full entertainment pop electric style.

November 2012: Released a solo album “FANTASTIC SUICIDE” produced by world’s end girlfriend from Virgin Babylon Records.

ナタリー記事: Ryoma Maeda、実兄wegプロデュースのアルバム発表

The music video for “Roll Over Beethoveeeen,” a collaboration with illustrator Chuck Mori’s character “Hanyo Usagi,” was released.

Ryoma Maeda Youtube Channel

Produce works

・Female Vocalist “EeL”

・Virtual idol “Ema Grace”

参考記事:【ガジェット通信】ボカロと著作権フリー写真素材で作られた架空のアイドルEma Graceの1st EP『FAKE』2月1日リリース